Find the activities carried out by our school as a partner and the links to the project website.


" I think CLIL was a beautiful project. Thanks to it, we made new friends, we visited incredible places and we learnt different languages. We had the best experience in the world. We can only say: THANK YOU it was beautifu!"

"For me CLIL project is very good. Because I make new friends, I play new games, I visit the cities. We make an electricity game ane we are making a film in technology."

" I like CLIL, it is the most beautiful project and I made friends. I like very much the video conference with other persons"

" I like cLIL, it is the most beautiful project. The visits, the conferences, and other things were very funny"

"I liked all the things. We went to Finland and we had the most wonderful experience. It was very funny and I am very greatful"

" CLIL is important beacuse we recycle material and we make funny toys etc. I like a lot everything in the project."

"CLIL was very cool, funny and we had the opportunity to meet very nice people"

" When other schools came here,I made new friends and I had a very good time during that week.The project of this year : electricity, I liked it so much, for me the best!"

" CLIL project is beautiful because you make new friends. We make new things: electricity, films, video-conferences."

" I like the project: I make new friends. The activities are very funny and it is the best project for me because the video conferences and the other things are very funny".

" Nire ustez Erasmus proiektua oso ona da. Beste leku batzuetako jendearekin herremanak sendotu ahal ditugu eta lagun berriak egin ahal ditugu. Beste lekuetako jendea gure eskolara etorri zenean oso ondo pasatu nuen eta esperientzia hori asko gustatu zitzaidan." For me Erasmus project is very good. We can meet people from other places and make new friends.  When people from other places came to our school, I had a very good time and it was a great experience.

"Niretzat ondo egon da CLIL proiektua batzuk hona etorri direlako eta beste batzuk hara joan direlako. Jende asko gure lagun egin direlako eta gu beraiena ere. Gure harremana ona izan da. Oraindik batzuk mobiletik harremanetan jarraitzen dute, ondo konpondu gara" For me CLIL was very good, some people came here and we went to other places. We made friends. We had a very good relationship. Some people are still in contact .

" Nire iritzia da lagun berriak egin ditudala, ingeles gehiago ikasi dudala eta ekintzetan oso ondo pasatu dudala.Orain 5 lagun gehiago ditut." My opinion is that I made new friends, I learnt English and I had a very good time with the activities. Now I have 5 new friends.

" Niri asko gustatu zait CLIL proiektua. Jarduera horregatik pertsona asko ezagutu ditut. CLILen egindako bideo- konferentziak oso dibertigarriak izan dira; oso eskulan original egin ditugu, irteera ahaztezinak, eta askoz gehiago, nik CLILen oso ondo pastu dut." I liked a lot CLIL project. Thakns to it I met a lot of people. The video conferences were very funn; we made original crafts, unforgettable trips and what is more, I had a very good time.

" Niri asko gustatzen zait CLIL. Europako lagunak egin ditugu eta guk egiten ditugun gauzak erakutsi dizkiegu eta haiek guri eta harremanak egiten ditugu haiekin jolasak eta eskulanak egiten. Espero dut hurrengo urtean jarraitzea!!" I liked CLIL a lot. I met European friends. We show them the things we do and they show us what they do and we keep contact making crafts and games with them.I hope to continue next year.!!

" Nik uste dot eskulan eta CLIL gehiago egon beharko zela" I think we should make more crafts and CLIL

" Niri CLIL proiektua gustatu zait eta oso dibertigarria izan da gauza asko egin ditugulako." I liked CLIL project because it was funny and we did many things.

" Niri asko gustatu zait proiektu hau lagunak ezagutu ditudalako, gero, oso eskulan dibertigarriak egiten ditugulako eta batzutan eskulanak bideo- konferentziaren bidez egiten ditugulako." I liked the project a lot because we meet new friends, because we make funny crafts and because sometimes we make the crafts through video- conference.

" Niri gustatu zait proiektua lagun berriak egin ditudalako eta esperientzia berri bat delako." I lked the project because I made new frirends and because it was a new experience.


Getting to know the countries involved

Logo contest

Important things to communicate:
- Title: CLIL: Creativity, Learning, Inspiration,Language.
- 5 countries involved; Basque Country, Finland, Czech Republic, Poland
- 5 crafts: recyclable materials, technology, ceramics, cooking, threads,
- Erasmus + logo
Some tips to design a logo:
- Communicate the important ideas.
- The simplest the best
- Be different
- The goal is instant connection. The logo must be eye-catching.
- It is important that you make a lot of previous sketches

.Explaining your ideas

What are you going to do?
- I am going to draw..........
- I am going to make.........
- I am going to write ..................
Example: I am going to write the initials and draw five students playing
I am going to draw five circles with different colors
I am going to draw a flower with five parts and write the initials


- Why don´t you..........draw/add/color/...
Example: why don´t you draw five circles?/ Why don´t you make it bigger?
- What about.....drawing/ adding/coloring....
Example: What about drawing five circles?
- I would .....draw/add/color/make...
Example: I would draw five circles/ I would make it bigger..VOCABULARY and STRUCTURES


We have made different crafts including Christmas cards  and book markers for our partner friends

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